Let’s Roll! Check it out: Roller Owl skates with Bones Wheels upgrade. Available online soon! Roller Owl Skates are coming soon in white & black colors with gold plate and golden finishing.

Let’s Roll! Check it out: Roller Owl skates with Bones Wheels upgrade. Available online soon! Roller Owl Skates are coming soon in white & black colors with gold plate and golden finishing.
WELCOME TO ROLLER DANCE OWL! Roller Dance Owl is a growing skate company that
offers In-person and Online lessons, Triple Skate Certification program for instructors (18+) and leaders (under 18). Now the Company is excited to announce about the production of its own Roller Owl skates and wheels. Roller Owl white or black skates with golden plate & golden finishing with the Owl logo & footprint, and Roller Owl wheels will be available for purchase worldwide soon!!
Roller Dance Owls were honoured to participate in Rise Up session at 7 Gen Skate Skateboarding contest at Langley Events Centre on Saturday, June 10, 2022. It was an amazing day meeting Owls with the skate legends, top freestyle skateboarders from across North America, and friendly crew at Seven Generations Cup.
Watch one of the videos from the event: CLICK HERE.
For more pictures and videos check out our Social Media! Follow @rollerdanceowl on IG,
TikTok, Facebook and Youtube.
On the picture: students Roller Owls Mia8 and Riri19, and coach Lana Shahar (Lani) are getting ready for Rise Up roll.